Random Thoughts 7

Monday, November 23, 2010

- So I sang in church yesterday. I was somewhat nervous because I want to make sure I’m singing for the right reasons and not just to show off or toot my own horn. But I kept thinking about it and putting it off. Finally 2 Sundays ago I was reading my patriarchal blessing and it mentioned not only speaking the words of testimony, but singing them too, and I was like “OK FINE!!!”

It went well, a lot of people complimented me after. I found the best way to respond is just by saying “thanks” until they change the subject haha. But anyway I decided that singing (or speaking) in church is like a mass ice-breaker, even if only in my mind. I find I’m much more willing to talk to people I don’t know when I assume they heard me sing/speak. I guess I just don’t worry that they may think I’m weird or what not because I know they saw a portion of me that I’m proud of. I’ve got to keep this in mind next time I’m in a new ward and don’t want to sit in a corner with the 2 people I know anymore.

- I talked to Chuck for an hour today about how I’m graduating and what I should do next. Three main things came out of the conversation.

1. If I want to teach someday, I need at minimum a bachelors, probably a PhD, and now is the time to do it. Chuck is highly confident I have the thinking skills. My reservation is the lack of real world experience, which brings us too…

2. The earliest I could get in the program is like September or January anyway, so I’ve got a year where I should get a internship/job and get some real experience. Which is very very exciting to me. Also I’m super nervous about the unknown.

3. Chuck gave me permission to hit on his returned missionary daughter haha.

So yeah, life plan, apply for grad school, get/start an internship/job in January.

- Sunday morning I knew it’d be cold, and my scarf was dirty so I knew I needed to prepare for warmth some other way. So first I chose a good looking sweater, and then went on to find a tie to match. I spent like a full minute looking at the different ties, trying to decide which was best. But then I was like, “that’s it, as a male I’ve reached my maximum limit of cloths choosing time, just give me that one.” I choose a green one (I think). I’m pretty sure it’d didn’t match my sweater, and I cared very little.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

- I still have stage fright. Monday’s activity was a ward potluck + talent show. I signed up for a talent, planning to sing a song. I ended up chickening out and sneaking home when no one was looking though. I should add my primary justification was that I think music for talent shows is overdone, and it looked like EVERYONE else was planning something musical too, so I felt lame and bailed haha.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

- So I was playing this physics based flash game, and I had the thought “man, it sure would be easy if I had some way to move straight up, guaranteed” and I remembered back in 9th grade in some class playing some game on a computer as partners, and every once in a while you had to move a spaceship from left to right without touching the top or bottom of the tunnel. I’d take the ball out of the mouse and just spin the x axis wheel inside and move across perfectly in record time, my partner thought I was genius. We can’t cheat like that so easily haha.

- I don’t believe I have a widely diverse set of influences, which sounds sad, but I do like the person I choose to be mostly, so it’s not a huge deal. Having a higher number of different opinions sounds fun though.

- "Having been brought up in a serf owner's family, I entered active life, like all young men of my time, with a great deal of confidence in the necessity of commanding, ordering, scolding, punishing and the like. But when, at an early stage, I had to manage serious enterprises and to deal with [free] men, and when each mistake would lead at once to heavy consequences, I began to appreciate the difference between acting on the principle of command and discipline and acting on the principle of common understanding. The former works admirably in a military parade, but it is worth nothing where real life is concerned, and the aim can be achieved only through the severe effort of many converging wills." Memoirs of a Revolutionist

Apparently this was written by an anarchist, and I have no idea what his other views were, but I love this quote above. Efforts made by ones free will far exceed efforts produced by coercion.

Friday, November 26, 2010

- Went to the temple today for the first time in 5495.4 miles. Not good Corby, do better.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

- So in order to get rid of annoying dating ads on the side of Facebook I've been marking them all as "uninteresting". It seems to be helping by the way. I had a terrible thought though, what if I mark them uninteresting enough times that the ad engine decides "ohhhh, it's uninteresting because he doesn't like women!"

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