Literary Extravaganza!

So this post was straight up for homework, but slightly funny, in my humble opinion. The assignment was called “literary extravaganza” in which we needed to do two literary works of some sort somehow related to computers in society. Like a Haiku, or a 140 character story. Here are my results

“With pleasure I watched him shatter 4 floors below. Goodbye Lappy. Your demise in this way satisfies my destructive needs perfectly.”

Note for the next one, the word “meme” we use to refer to internet memes, which are jokes or videos that spread at viral rates. Like Charlie bit me, lolcats, or the old spice guy

“Haikus are so lame
Like a meme with no humor
I’d rather eat dung”

I didn’t like that as much, but I had to relate it back to computers. My original draft was

“Haikus are so lame
Like a paraplegic cat
I’d rather eat dung”

Other runner ups for the middle line included:

“Like flaming llamas with hats”
“Like Charlie biting my hand”
“Like David at the dentist”
“Like those Harry’s puppet pals”

Ahh blogs and your ability to share all my useless thoughts no one really cared for, well done.

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