Weekly thoughts!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
-An awful lot of people get engaged in the fall, it’s kind of disheartening.
-When bringing people into a team with you, work or otherwise, find people different than you.
-It seems like some people are pushing to get more women into CS. I understand how we should not discourage people, but it sounds like people are pushing for things like “teach you daughters to program!” and I don’t see the urgency.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
-I think Micah thinks I might be debating coming back to WoW. If so he’ll be disappointed.
-I think I need to be around Kjersti less, or at least control my thoughts better. Not in a dirty way! I keep wondering if we have dating potential, and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t work. I can’t allow myself to entertain the idea of dating her, it’ll just lead to hurt. Am I not striving to care less and be less active about dating?
-I keep feeling like my weeks take forever, because so many events seem to have happened since an event I’m thinking of. (Example: me, “So remember when that one thing happened at that place?” You, “yeah, you mean 2 days ago?” Me, “THAT WAS ONLY TWO DAYS AGO!?!”) It also feels like time is going fast though, at the same time it’s weird. But I think I figured out why. When I played video games 4/6/8 hours a day, I only had 1/3, 1/2 my daylight hours to do other stuff. But now I fill that time with other events, so twice as much stuff happens all the time! I’m still weirded out.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
-Not sure what to do about certain friendships. I frequently feel like I’m a killjoy around them, straight up. But I wouldn’t change it. If the two of them have been hanging out they are as giddy as school girls, but also as vulgar as the stereotypical modern male, without the cussing (well, with rare cussing.) I swear there was some scripture about avoiding boisterous laughter, but I can’t find it… maybe it was a prophetic quote, but anyway I always associated boisterous laughing with being super drunk, but I’m pretty sure this is a similar thing. When I wrote this our apartment white board said, “STFU! Tits or GTFO!” to me, this is over the line. They’ve combined making light of pornography, making light of swearing, making light of sex, and objectifying women, all into a single statement. But it’s “ok” because “it’s effin’ funny!” and now I can be a killjoy because I don’t support or laugh or join in with this type of humor, and I have no plans to slacken. But I sure miss my pair of friends who took their values seriously more consistently.
Monday, October 18, 2010
- You used to form powerful connections with strangers by being pen pals online. Why not be pen pals with people you actually have met?
- I came to the somewhat sad conclusion that I will definitely need glasses as I row up. Probably in the next 10 years or less.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
- When you encounter turbulance in life, slow down, and focus on the basics. (“Of things that matter most”, Uchtdorf, Oct 2010)
- I love feedback. I think it's largely due to my confidence. I feel I know myself pretty well and can back up my motivations for most things. So if someone calls me out, I don't feel guilty or defensive like I did something wrong, I can just take their information into the mix. If it's entirely off base, I can just discard it except maintaining the possibility some people feel that way. If it applies, it may open my eyes to how stupid I was being, and I'm fine with being wrong.
- “Human beings are social creatures—not occasionally or by accident but always.” (Peopleware, pg 14)
- Micah says I'm the greatest back-seat gamer ever, hecks yeah!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Just made the connection between all the managerial things Dr. K. has been talking about (not motivating by force, having trust, etc…) and why our government is doing so bad.
- Lab retrieving instinct faith example, they automatically want to follow you. A trainers job is to tell the lab to stay, then go as far as the lab can take before it gives in and follows you against orders, once it’s at that almost breaking point you call (reward) it. Heavenly Father is like that with our faith, waiting as long as possible to help improve and stretch our faith before rewarding us.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
- It’s funny (and somewhat annoying, but maybe that’s just because I’m admittedly irritable today) that since people are so used to me being happy, if I’m sad at all they assume it must be something monumental and they worry a lot about me. I can be sad too folks! I’m not going to kill myself it’s ok!
- “nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future” - Chris McCandless
Sunday, October 24, 2010
- Dr. K. frequently mentions how employee productivity differs by a factor of 50. I think how fun I am on any given day (or hour) can also differentiate by a factor of 50 as well.