Thursday, January 06, 2011
- It's not every day a fire starts in my van when I open the door. But apparently, today was that day. It was just a small electrical fire. In the 30 seconds or so as I sat there stunned deciding what to do next it burned out. Still super freaky, I'm afraid to go anywhere today haha. Good thing I'm fixing it tomorrow...
Friday, January 07, 2011
- Amazing, I'm at my parents house, and we have those long vertical slot blinds to cover our sliding glass doors. And I happened to be position such that one blind, which happens to be swinging, is alternating letting the sun shine on my face and not. Why is it even swinging?’
Sunday, January 09, 2011
- Very melancholy day. Couldn’t even find someone to sit by in sacrament L.
- If you show up ‘late’ and they haven’t started yet, are you still considered late?
Monday, January 10, 2011
- It’s really freaky to look in the mirror and find a huge mole on your face you didn’t know existed. But it’s really relieving to find out it’s actually some meat from the arby melt you just ate. Not that I’d know this from experience or anything.
- I think people tend to think they don’t have/need to be grateful for something someone is expected (or paid) to do. Like, if maintainence is shoveling the walks, many (sometimes it seems like the majority) have a “well it’s about time” attitude about it. I usually say thanks personally. I’ll bet the same people who aren’t grateful for maintainence people doing their job are also the type that aren’t grateful when God blesses their lives. After all, isn’t that His job?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
- Make goals based on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Set goals to contribute to the kingdom using your strengths. Maybe building up peoples testimonies in your 1 on 1’s. Learn their strengths.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
- It’s both relieving and sucky when I figure out why a girl isn’t romantically interested in me. I figured out Ashley Cabrales today, I’m not Spanish enough. I don’t dance or speak Spanish. At least it provides some closure.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
- I feel my witty banter/joke/compliment capacity has been high lately. It’s very enjoyable.
- I’m doing something wrong, time to move towards the other end of the spectrum. In the last week there have been four (4) separate occasions where I was having a fun conversation with a girl over digitial means (facebook, texts) and we got to the idea we should do something sometime and I asked when they’re free or suggested days we should do something and they stopped responding or mysteriously vanished. One I haven’t heard from since, two told me sorry and why they vanished (but seemed to neglect answering the “when are you free?” question) and one responded telling me where she went and when she could do something, we then made plans for lunch the next day, and she bailed 45 minutes before. I like to be optimistic about girls intentions or motives, and maybe it’s all just coincidence, but apparently I’m doing something wrong.
My best guess is I’m a genuine creeper. When I’m talking to someone I usually think “hey, maybe we could do lunch sometime soon!” and I extend an invitation if I can. I’m lead to the conclusion that I really don’t read/understand people as well as I think I do though, and I must be terrible at determining whether it’s an ok time to extend an invitation. In my mind, if I only get a chance to communicate with them once every 3 weeks, a lunch invitation after 3 weeks isn’t a big deal. However, maybe in their mind it’s more like, “holy crap, every time I talk to him he tries to take me to lunch” thus the once in every 3 weeks chat. So, my current theory is I need to rarely give such invitations, or wait until they express interest first, or something. Which sounds retarded to me honestly, how am I ever going to get to spend time with girls if I’m waiting for them to suggest that I take them out? But what I’m doing clearly isn’t working, so I guess I’ll try something different.
- had another interview today, I verbally fenced with the self proclaimed jokester and the team seemed to like me from there out. They drilled me with conceptual programming questions for 90 minutes, some of which took me a while, and they gave hints. But apparently a lot of interviewee’s have walked out, or got really angry, or told them they were wrong when given the solution. The fact I kept sticking at it, didn’t [walk] out, and so on seems to have made me appealing enough. They were saying things like “we’d get you a company laptop…” and such that leads me to believe I’m a very likely candidate, so that was fun.
Friday, January 14, 2011
- Had a significant other in my dream last night. I sure wish I didn’t care about such things.
- Crap haha, well so I have no plans today or tomorrow. But if I’m going to go with my thought above on asking people to do things, what I need to do is contact some women and chat or something but NOT ask them to do anything, which would still leave me with no plans this weekend. What the crap will I do with myself? I’d DEFINITELY feel lame just playing WoW all weekend. Ooo! Programming!
- Also, I’m working on programming a turn based RPG battle system (complete with character customization) for practice. I don’t think I mentioned that here.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
- “As we seek our bread from the Lord daily, our trust in him grows”
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