Monday, December 13, 2010
- “Your own problems are mostly a bi-product of your own blind spots.”
- I generally prefer video games and board games to be difficult (aka, challenging). Why do I feel different about relationships? Haha.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
- At CJ’s ward Sunday School they talked about the 6 lessons missionaries used to teach in order back in the day. Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the plan of salvation, the restoration, our responsibilities, and then church organization (in that order). Like a pyramid, the first base the biggest and so on, so it’s a firm foundation. Some people turn it over and do it backwards, basing their testimony on something like the organization of the church, and so when someone gets offended the rest topples. Anyway the cool thing I got out of this is that I feel better about my current direction. I don’t feel I have a huge powerful testimony of the restoration, or lots of things, but I do have a powerful connection with my heavenly Father, and apparently it’s a good recommended place to start.
- Go to institute, it’s a basic recommendation you’re missing. Also, go alone so you’re forced to meet people rather than hovel up.
- I feel like I’m fighting some inner turmoil battle over nothing specific. I’ll probably just start be re-quitting WoW.
- I’ve started writing the code for my RPG battle system, it’s quite enjoyable J
- I find it attractive when I see a girl use “you’re” correctly, how funny is that? (addendum, the next three or so times after this that I went to write “you’re” I wrote “your” instead, and felt like an idiot.)
- Way funny so Micah posted the following status, and here’s the conversation that followed.
Micah Clements Nieman: if mankind weren't around to rule the world, what animal would? I vote kangaroo.
Andrew Clark: I think there would be a crapload more tigers
Josh Wyciskalla: Grizzlies.
Allan Wheeler: the wolf
Corby Campbell: I think there should be a crapload more tigers in everyone's life as is. Tigers are friggin' awesome.
Drew Strunk: Penguins. NEXT QUESTION
Corby Campbell: False. Tigers tear penguin faces off, penguins get tripped by their friends ( Tigers make intimidating tyrant pets, penguins make tap dances. Tigers would rule the world, but the king tiger's court jester would be a penguin.
Drew Strunk: Baby penguins are so cute that their very presence would crush the very will of your "tigers" and turn them into sissy orange tiger goo.
Corby Campbell While penguins are undeniably cute, tiger babies are also cute, and adult tigers will have developed a tolerance to cuteness as a whole. Thus the flightless bird's only weapon would be rendered useless, and any necessary face ripping would proceed as scheduled.
Andrew Clark: Guys. Guys. Why can't the penguins ride the tigers and have some sort of codependent aristocracy?
Drew Strunk: Andrew, please see the following table. If anything, the tigers could become mounts for the penguins... but they certainly wouldn't share in the total dominating world power. That right would go solely to the most majestic creature. Clearly, the Penguin.
Corby Campbell: Well played, but this table is subjective and inconclusive (as most politics are...) and lacks important headings like "could kill a human", "warm and soft enough to cuddle with", and "has one of the greatest iconic cartoon animals based on the species". This isn't even mentioning the fact there's a martial arts style named after tigers. A crouching tiger is fierce and powerful, a crouching penguin is taking a dump.
Drew Strunk: I feel like if I just repeat Morgan Freeman enough times, I'll eventually win this argument.
Corby Campbell: I've been in contact with my tiger colleagues, they don't have a desire for complete world dominance. They say they're willing to let penguins rule the frozen parts of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, while the tigers maintain the temperate and fertile parts of the world, except for Australia, which will remain under kangaroo control. My colleagues are sure that through trade and diplomacy the world will be a far better place than it ever was with humans.
I'd also like to apologize publicly for my racist court jester penguin joke, it was truly uncalled for.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
- So I often wonder how much things were the same thousands of years ago. For example, I was reading Mosiah 4:27 “And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.” And I had the thought, “wait, so did they have races with prizes? Why wouldn’t they? It’s not like it’s a high tech idea.” Huh…
Sunday, January 02, 2011
- Reminder to self: your hair is thick, when you don’t shave for a day, shaving on the subsequent day is painful. Thank you for your time.
- I love music. SURPRISE!
- So for a quick update on job hunting, I first interviewed for a church internship at the Family History Center with Bryan Jackson’s dad, they wanted me and he even got the pay bumped from $10/hour to $14/hour, but I didn’t want the commute and it’s strain on my already struggling van (as I write this, I’m currently trapped in my van until I call someone and have them help me with the door.)
Pursuit two, my two time class group mate Hardy Cherry got me to interview with his company CleanTelligent, they make a cleaning management software. They’ve offered to hire me too at $16/hour with a nearly guaranteed raise to $17.50 after a trial period. But it’s a small space I’d be in, and the rest of the development team would be upstairs. They wouldn’t mind coming down to answer questions, especially because one is my friend already, but still.
Pursuit three, Paul Tomlinson recommended I contact a few people, one of which responded and I have interviewed with them twice (for different teams). They’re called Service Repair Solutions and they do management software for car inspections and some other things. It basically sounds like people with the experience they’re looking for are hard to find, and having no job experience yet I of course don’t have said experience. However, I am easy to get along with and I emphasize that I learn easily and well, so I guess I’m their next best bet. I don’t feel like I did amazing on their technical questions either though.
Pursuit four, Imagine Learning makes games for non-native English speaking kids to learn English. They start at $18/hour part-time and if they like you they upgrade you to $50,000ish salary. They had me interview with two guys, and then a call back interview with the head developer. The head developer googles applicants before interviewing them and found my website. He read my talks and was super impressed with what he called my “iron will” (maybe iron resolve?) to take on challenges, he sounded ready to hire me, but I still had to do a technical test (which I felt good about). They said I likely wouldn’t hear from them until the beginning of the year, but this is the main job I want.
- Oh, I feel geared enough in WoW to not need to play solo, and I’m going to attempt to only play it when playing with the guys. It definitely takes time. If that doesn’t work I’ll probably quit, which would be sad because everyone is playing (Andrew, Neal, Leo, Drew, Jason, Micah, Jake) but meh.